TWCA Turf: DESERT SAGE by Chanshare

DESESRT SAGE by Chanshare Farms is certified drought tolerant by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA).

The Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance conducts independent analysis of objective data through a peer reviewed qualification process. TWCA Qualification is recognized in green building standards. TWCA Qualified turf is eligible for rebate in many cities across North America. Qualified drought tolerant turfgrasses are demonstrated to use 40% less water. 

Functional UsesNon Functional Uses
Residential LandscapesRoadways
Commercial LandscapesPark Strips
ParksProfessional Sand Based Sports Fields

Click here for the information sheet about Chanshare’s Desert Sage.

Click here to download the specs for Chanshare’s Desert Sage.