May Lawn Care Tips

Here is a cute video telling you how to care for your lawn in May.

Key points are:
1. Fertilize around Memorial Day.
2. Yellow spots that don’t turn green with water could mean you have grubs. May is a good time to apply Grub Control.
3. Only water your lawn when it needs it.

Watch for more monthly tips coming soon.


  1. Love it. Very sweet. Nicely done. 🙂

  2. I liked your tip to fertilize your yard around Memorial Day. You also said that if you’re watering your lawn, but the yellow spots still won’t turn green, you might have grubs. I think it’s important to choose a lawn care service team that can also help you with your trees and other shrubs.

  3. I like your advice to only water your lawn when it needs it. Often, people water their lawn too much. Not only is that bad for the environment, but it is bad for your grass. How often would you say that the average person needs to water their lawn?

  4. We recommend 1″ every 7-10 days in the spring and fall. 1″ every 4-6 days through the Summer. You can download a water and fertilizer guide from the main page on our website.

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